Beautiful , follow

{ Getting used to the pain }
"Welcome to my blog which consists of everything about me, you just have keep reading "

The excited feeling is the first time for this sensation. I feel like I’m under a spell when I look at you.

Please help me so that I can say goodbye to everyoneand bid farewell with a smile

Even though were far apart I love you dearly with all my heart.

The pieces of my memory if among them, just one, just one moment became strength to me

Sometimes when you realize there is no one by your side, you know it’s time to learn how to face things alone

They believe in my fake smiles and get suprised when I say I’m depressed

Am I not so good at hiding and controlling my feelings or are you just another liar saying you will help me if I tell you the truth?

( Just because something good ends doesn't mean something better won't begin )

Memories of a dreamer
"For yesterday's memories, today's love, and tomorrow's dreams I love you."
Pieces of note

Myra/8teen/Malacca/2346903E(bb pin)
You can't live your life in the past but live for today and tomorrow

Klik mana yang awak nak. Bersesuaian dengan tajuk lah.

My Passion

"I just close my eyes because I might see your face. I just close my mouth because I might hear your voice. I just close my ears because I might hear of you, but I could not close my heart because I love you."

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Muka Merah :$

Berjalan dengan penuh bangga ke motor yang menjadi pilihan hati. (Honda wave)
Dengan muka yang kelat mencuka.

'Dah makan ke belum?'

'Sihat ke tak?'
Angguk dan senyum tak ikhlas.
Dalam hati 'banyak tanya betul orang tua ni'

Aku tuntun motor ke tempat menunggu giliran untuk menjalankan latihan.
Semua mata memandang ke arah aku.
Mama, adik-adik, jurulatih, dan orang sekeliling. Senyum menahan ketawa. Geli hati mungkin.
'Ape kena'. Sahut hati aku dalam diam.

'Along, helmet (sambil tunjuk kepala)' kata mama.
Okay aku dah faham kenapa orang sekeliling memandang.
Malu. Muka merah. Berlari anak mendapatkan helmet.
Tahu tak semua orang ketawa.
Ah, celaka.

'Tu lah aku tanya dah makan ke belum kata dah. Aku tanya sihat ke tak, kata sihat'.
Bising orang tua tu.
Aku hanya mampu ketawa, tahan malu.

Balik rumah. Tunggu dia balik dan mesej.
Kemudian mula cerita.
'Hahahahaha' dia ketawa.

Keluar dating.
Cerita lagi.

'Hahahahaha' dia ketawa lago.
Cebik muka.

'Alololo (sambil pegang dagu)'
Hati aku 'so suwittttttt'.
Senyum dengan penuh makna.
Ya. Benar-benar bahagia.

Tahu apa makna ini?
Ya. Kenangan!
2012 dalam kenangan.

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