Beautiful , follow

{ Getting used to the pain }
"Welcome to my blog which consists of everything about me, you just have keep reading "

The excited feeling is the first time for this sensation. I feel like I’m under a spell when I look at you.

Please help me so that I can say goodbye to everyoneand bid farewell with a smile

Even though were far apart I love you dearly with all my heart.

The pieces of my memory if among them, just one, just one moment became strength to me

Sometimes when you realize there is no one by your side, you know it’s time to learn how to face things alone

They believe in my fake smiles and get suprised when I say I’m depressed

Am I not so good at hiding and controlling my feelings or are you just another liar saying you will help me if I tell you the truth?

( Just because something good ends doesn't mean something better won't begin )

Memories of a dreamer
"For yesterday's memories, today's love, and tomorrow's dreams I love you."
Pieces of note

Myra/8teen/Malacca/2346903E(bb pin)
You can't live your life in the past but live for today and tomorrow

Klik mana yang awak nak. Bersesuaian dengan tajuk lah.

My Passion

"I just close my eyes because I might see your face. I just close my mouth because I might hear your voice. I just close my ears because I might hear of you, but I could not close my heart because I love you."

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Sedar diri
Aku sedar aku bukan orang baik. Manusia semua tak pernah lari daripada kesilapan. Hari-hari mesti ada silap sampaikan adakalanya kita sendiri tak sedar. Aku bukan cuba nak merendah-rendahkan diri sendiri tapi aku cuba bermuhasabah diri. Bukan senang nak buang semua benda yang sentiasa ada dalam hati kita sepantas kilat. It is not easy dude. But i'm still try for my future life. :')

Sebelum aku pejam mata, aku menangis. Sunyi. Sepi. Rindu. Ah, itu yang mampu aku kata setakat ni. Aku tak mampu nak pinjam bahu sesiapa untuk kali ni. Aku cuma mahukan bahu dia. Ya dia. Dia yang sentiasa dengar semua masalah yang tak pernah berhenti menghentam hidup aku. Perkataan tu sentiasa berlegar-legar dalam fikiran aku, masih terngiang-ngiang. Sungguh, aku lemah. Tanpa dia :'(

Tapi aku kena berfikir ke depan. Positif. Ya perlu positif. Bukan hidup dia hari-hari untuk dengar masalah aku. Aku takan bebankan fikiran dia lagi dengan perangai aku. Aku bagi dia bebas. Bebas terbang macam burung-burung di langit. Ah, aku taktahu apa yang membelenggu fikiran ni. Kusut!

Hati. Ya hati aku yang mampu dengar.
Bukan aku berlagak bagus, cuma aku.
Perempuan yang tak akan pernah kenal erti KALAH.
Tuhan, kuatkan aku. :'(

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